Aside from covid of course…
My prediction is a texas-style grid failure but with a wider scale. Where I live, the electrical infrastructure is crumbling and there were a number of 1-2 day long outages this year which is new. Also a generally very poor area so little resources or motivation to fix or reinforce anything.
I’m in manufacturing and it’s getting real for me as well. I can’t get certain materials because they closed the American factory and opened one up in India during the pandemic. I’ll be at a standstill in a few weeks :joker-dancing:
It’s both the most interesting and the most terrifying time I’ve lived through as a Marxist. So many points where the contradictions are boiling over. All of the links in the supply chain are interconnected and failures in one part will cascade unpredictably across base and superstructure. So many underlying dynamics present- cardboard shortages because Amazon has grown to the point that they can buy up all of the cardboard for their packages. Something big is going to give and everyone apart from the socialists seems to be in a death cult devoted to pretending the reasons why don’t exist. Real Cassandra foreseeing the fall of Troy energy.