Some of it is legitimately pointing out the absolutely buffoonery of a lot of the US political establishment, sure
But some of it seems like concern trolling about vaccine safety
The most charitable interpretation I can give is that he’s so terminally anticapitalist, that he’s also gone anti-pharma brained, on the assumption that, since Pfizer et al are dirty private capital companies, their products must naturally not work, and they’ve only been rushed into production and approval by way of corporate-government collusion to enrich these companies. Unfortunately, this falls flat on its face when the vaccines do, in fact, work. Pfizer has made billions off the backs of people panicking from covid, but this was only due to government collusion, Bill Gates (the guy who invented going on the computer) declaring himself vaccine czar and taking charge of who gets to be jabbed and who doesn’t, and unwilligness by every single western government to free the Pfizer vaccine from patent restrictions so other countries could make their own instead of waiting and dying while Bill Gates decides to apportion some more vaccines. The fault here is not of the vaccine in and of itself, but of capitalist neoliberal governments doing what they do best.
The thing is, if he was actually a principled anti-capitalist he wouldn’t make this kind of mistake. You went over some of the reasons why. Like, if the vaccine really was dangerous and didn’t work, they’d give it to poor people first, but the opposite happened—all the rich people are fully vaxxed and the global poor can’t get it. Capital is clearly desperate to end the lockdown and get people out spending money again.
He’s not being anti-capitalist here, he’s buying into culture war bullshit.