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Volin claims that Makhno and his men would get super drunk and force women into orgies, others claim that didnt happen, seems like kind of a word of mouth situation cause both sides were present during the original time period.
The weird thing in the passage he claims this he kinda writes it as like, the “exception” to Makhnos great character or something, which is pretty gross.
Your options for sources on this topic are either:
A. The red army.
B. Mahkno’s men.
Any certainty in this situation is basically impossible to achieve and we will never really know for sure.
I will say however that naming a country after himself makes me think he was a massive toolbag.
As far as I understand Volin was semi-part of Makhnos side due to being an Anarchist but also they developed a disliking/rivalry or something?
Also like I said its a weird passage because it both reads like praising Makhnos character while also accusing him of being an alcoholic and a violent rapist.
Tbh the whole situation kinda feels like unnecessary to obsess over and only really necessary to care about if someone doesnt have the ideological confidence to just oppose Makhno and the black armies/anti-bolshevik anarchists based on political and ideological differences. Which is a really common tendency in sectarian debates online when either side doesnt have the theoretical knowledge or political confidence but instead has to rely on their opponent supporting a “bad person” which makes the opponent also a bad person by proxy.