So like saying “this car going 150 miles an hour will reach the destination faster than the car going 75 miles an hour… so long as it doesn’t crash, get pulled over, or the driver doesn’t get arrested for reckless driving.”
Marx actually wrote about this in Capital, he brought up the fact that capitalist economic theory’s fundamental flaw is that they ideologically believe that accelerating the rate of production and transaction can solve the crises inherent to the capitalist mode of production when in reality, acceleration of production just intensifies the crises.
The function of global financial capitalism is the replacing of the industrial capitalist with the finance capitalist who produces nothing but just accelerates the rate of exchange of commodities. If it wasn’t for the productive base that exists in the hyper exploited proto-industrial 3rd world, this mode of capitalist production would be completely unsustainable at any level.
Some people think maoist third worldist theory is flawed, but the way I see it it solves this fundamental contradiction in the imperial financial capitalist order. Liberating the productive industrial base of the world will by the very nature of the JIT financial capitalist system cause it to collapse in on itself in spectacular fashion.