Why? We don’t need to lie, we’re right. They need to lie because they’re factually (among other ways) wrong and now I’m noticing your account name and wondering if I’m playing into a bit.
I’m half serious, half just doing a bit.
The serious part: I do think the left (although I reluctantly support this) might benefit from being sensationalist.
The bit part: We don’t need to lie, I agree. We just need to sugar coat the truth in a way so normies might accept it. The reason the right is so successful is that people would rather be kissed with a lie than slapped with the truth. Why not kiss people with the truth?
EDIT: I just deleted my old comment since it’s kinda dumb when I actually put thought into it.
Fuck it, I’m going full Enlightenment idealist: Our goals are fundamentally different. We want to actually create a better world, and that has to be based on TRUTH and TRUST. Fascists have to lie, because their actual program is miserable for everyone except a select few. We have to tell the truth because otherwise why not join the Democrats, tell flattering lies, and win? If you start disingenuously manipulating people, a leftist movement is impossible. By the people, for the people.
I mean, you don’t have to disingenuously manipulate people, but it’s good to frame your ideas in terms they understand and are receptive to.