:cat-vibing: Proud of everyone :gold-communist: :stalin-heart:
I love it here, bums me out a little when I shill for this place on Reddit and the top reply is always just “don’t go to chapochat the mods are worse than the stasi”.
That’s a really unfair comparison.
The Stasi had the full backing of the USSR, jurisdiction over a whole country and got to hunt actual physical Nazis.
Our mods don’t get paid, have jurisdiction over 1 20,000 member website and have to deal with people being shitty online.
They try their best, and we appreciate what they do but it’s completely unreasonable to expect them to be as cool as the Stasi.
“don’t go to chapochat the mods are worse than the stasi”
lol where are you shilling? COMPLETEANARCHY?
I know a bunch of GenZedongers don’t want to move here, but that’s probably more because the mods aren’t stasi enough.
I mean I don’t keep a spreadsheeet it’s just the pattern I’ve noticed every time it comes up. The top comment is almost always some person complaining either about us all being tankies or about the mods power tripping or whatever.
I can’t call everyone I disagree with an anarkiddie and a fed? What radlib op is this mod team pulling?
Fucking sucks that redditors are mad they cant keep being redditors on the not reddit site ig :shrug-outta-hecks:
What’s the point of traveling if it isn’t exactly like where I came from?