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There’s a difference between earning money and literally being in the top 0.1% of income earners in the USA for just sitting in front of a camera lol

No one is saying that leftists with money must live like monks and take a vow of poverty, but buying a manision and literally being part of the top 0.1% is another thing entirely

20 points

I think focus needs to be on the structures of exploitation, not on individual wealth. The Hasan discourse is unproductive and a lot of the time concedes the ancap argument about communism requiring individuals to give up their wealth. Hasan could donate 90% of his income to FNB or PSL and it wouldn’t do shit. He could be leveraging his community to encourage people to organize, but I don’t watch him enough or participate in his community, so I don’t know if they do that already.

All that said, people who have to struggle every fucking day to get food on their tables have every right to be pissed about seeing money wasted on that fucking house by someone who is nominally on our team. My truck just broke down so I’m going to be walking everywhere or bumming rides for at least two weeks. It could be fixed tomorrow for what Hasan pays a month to have his pool cleaned (or however often people with mansions clean a pool idc). I’m regularly eating at soup kitchens and have had several days where all I ate were these nasty bags of dried fruit that they give us. I’m not jealous of a mansion. I’m jealous of not having to do eat shitty food and spend several hours of my day to walking around an area designed for people with cars. I’m jealous of having healthcare. Like low key fuck Hasan a little bit.

But nothing I can do about that so I just gotta deal because it’s not productive. I’m done now. Hope some can PMC folks here can understand this isn’t a purely abstract principled discussion for everyone.


The only good post in this thread. Solidarity.

The only reason I’m not in your situation right now is a fucking lucky circumstance involving cheap rent and a very non judgemental girlfriend.

Also, can you apply for EBT/Foodstamps? They’ve been making it pretty easy to apply since the pandemic and the money is a fucking godsend.

8 points

I make over the threshold and they just ended the pandemic relief stuff. My partner and I struggle moreso because we financially support our parents. When we don’t, their utilities get shut off every other month. Last winter I found my mother in law unconscious in their house while it was ~0°F out. Fun fact: they’re not allowed to shut your heat off in the winter, but if your heat is already off when winter hits, they don’t have to turn it back on

Solidarity, comrade. Glad to hear about your good fortune. I’m very thankful for my partner as well.

13 points

No, he is still a worker.

He is a well paid worker. And that morally obligates him to help his fellow wprkers in was he might ot migbt not have been. He is however not bourgeois.

When he uses his stream money to pay others to stream for him, then underpays him then he is part of thr bourgeois doespite bwing s small one and potentially helping smaller leftist streamers


There is an argument to be made that he’s petit bourgeois, as he buys others labour (video editors, moderators, social media managers, etc), while not owning the means of production

2 points

If twitch says so his career is gone. If I was a brave. Man I would look up the stuff about pesants and small free holders and the relations between them for the most direxrly aplicable analogy Howeevr I don’t think I have the strngth in me to be that online today

8 points

True! People need to understand money is not class. Even those athletes making $100,000,000 are still, technically, workers because they sell their labor. Now if they go open a clothing brand and make most of their money from owning that then they’re no longer a worker. The highly paid athlete, while rich, stops getting paid if they stop working, where as the owner cutting their checks gets paid regardless of if they wake up that day.

Class is determined by ownership, not income.

And lastly, bourgeoisie can be class traitors and advocate for socialism, see Engels. Though they need to be scrutinized much more closely, it is still technically possible.


This is a bit oversimplified though. Those that do earn a lot of money, like athletes, are able to purchase other people’s labour due to earning so much money, even if they don’t own the means of production. Hasan for instance, will employ people like video editors and moderators. Athletes will employ trainers, physiotherapists, etc. Due to their high income, and ability to use other’s labour to further benefit them, their class interests are more likely to align with the people that own the means of production, even though they do not own it themselves.

This isn’t even considering the modern “PMC”, I’m not mentioning it because there’s a lot of disagreement there

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Yes. Anyone that earns over 1.6 million USD a year is in the top 0.1%. Hasan literally earns more than that lol.

It’s a fact

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I’m about to remove Str8AroQueer’s response to this comment, not because it’s rule breaking in and of itself, but because they’re clearly shitstirring and this thread is a long trashfire of Um Aktually corrections that they purposefully dragged out

To anyone reading further, I’m not cleaning up any replies beyond this. Enjoy your rage bait
