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Theres some stuff that isn’t explicitly anarchist but anarchists often use to think with, like Marx’s Capital, D&G’s 1000 Plateaus, Patricia Collins’ Black Feminist Thought, and other academic philosophy.
Then there’s the stuff written by anarchists but without the label like Federici’s Caliban and the Witch, Generation 5’s Towards Transformative Justice(big old TW for SV against kids), and Harroway’s Staying with the Trouble.
Finally, theres the explicitly anarchist stuff like Graeber’s Towards an Anthropological Theory of Value, Gelderloos’ The Failure of Non Violence, Serafinsky’s Blessed is the Flame
I think that the anti violence movement’s work, stuff like the INCITE! Anthology or abolitionist work like Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s work or Mariane Kaba’s work can be understood as part of the anarchist Canon through Malatesta’s formulation of anarchism as an anti violent movement but not a non violent one.