Give me an atrocity committed by leftist forces, and I’ll justify it for you.
Most of the peasants in the villages the Red Army purged had never held a gun in their lives.
Here’s a source
Though the Bolshevik troops were much more numerous, Makhno and his detachments constantly kept out of their reach. But the Bolsheviks managed to establish themselves solidly in several places, and to stop the free development of the region, which had begun in 1919. It was then that mass executions of peasants began.
Many will remember that the Soviet press, in articles on the struggle with Makhno, cited the number of Makhnovists defeated, captured or shot. But this press always neglected to mention that the victims were usually not insurgents in Makhno’s army but local peasants of various villages who sympathized with the Makhnovshchina. The arrival of Red divisions in a village meant the immediate arrest of many peasants, who were later executed either as Makhnovist insurgents, or as hostages. The commanders of various Red divisions were particularly fond of this savage and vile method of struggle against the Makhnovshchina, preferring it to open struggle against Makhno. It was especially the units of the 42nd and 46th Red Rifle divisions who indulged in this type of activity. The village of Gulyai-Polye, which passed from one side to the other several times, suffered the most. Each time the Bolshevik troops entered the village or were obliged to leave, the commanders rounded up several dozen peasants, arresting them unexpectedly in the streets, and shot them. Every inhabitant of Gulyai-Polye can tell horrifying stories about this Bolshevik practice. According to the most moderate estimates, more than 200,000 peasants and workers were shot or seriously injured by the Soviet authorities in the Ukraine at that time. Nearly as many were imprisoned or deported to various parts of Russia and Siberia.
I’m beginning to think you’ve uncritically consumed Bolshevik war propaganda.
The Mahknovists goal was explicitly the emancipaiton of the working class? Like, they were anarchists and did wealth redistribution and communes? I’m not sure how you could possibly say that wasn’t what they wanted?
The allegation that Makhnovists raided Bolshevik supply lines is highly disputed and the claims that Makhnovists were doing Pogroms is almsot certainly a straight up lie given the prevalence of jews in the command structure of the Black army, their condemnation and refusal to make common cause with the Whites on basis of their anti-semitism and the fact that the Bolsheviks had undisputedly launched an anti-Makhnovist propaganda campaign.