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2 points

That’s a rather childish comment but that is fine. In for a penny out for a pound - after I list the USSRs achievements I’ll list the achievements of Trotskyism

So the Soviet Union lasted 70 years and to it’s list of achievements it has

  • Built Socialism

  • Put the first satellite, man and woman into space

  • Industrialised the USSR in 20 years what took the capitalist nations 100-150 years

  • Defeated Nazi Germany almost single handedly given 7/8 Nazi soldiers died on the Eastern Front and the UK and US only opened a Western front when the Nazi army had already broken its back at Stalingrad and Kurst and USSR was outproducing Germany in tanks

  • Helped pretty much every national liberation movement in the 20th Century which is why Mandela would hear no criticism of the Soviet Union

  • Went toe to toe with the United States (the biggest empire the world has ever seen) and pretty much the entire advanced capitalist countries who industrialised first

  • Stalin took over the country when it had comparable assets to Brazil - population/resources/litreracy rate/poverty etc.

Meanwhile the Trotskyites have had over a century of honing their revolutionary theory to produce a revolution of their own and what have they achieved?

  • Whining about stalinism and fighting the ghost of Stalin lol

As you’re not really interested in debate I’ll leave you with a quote from arch Trotskyite Issac Deutscher who in his Stalin biography, despite how much he hated Stalin and loved Trotsky, was unable to write Stalin in any other way than a giant of a figure

And also Kotkins view of Stalin in that revolutionary moment

-2 points

I think the Russian Revolution was probably the singular biggest step forward for the world working class in history, and that the soviet union is to be defended. Of course it no longer exists, because of the leadership of “Marxist”-“Leninists” of your tendency. I see you’ve clearly drawn all the necessary lessons.

2 points

Given that you’ve shown zero good faith so far I doubt you’ll ever read it but I’ll post this anyway just for the others reading this conversation.

But for a serious analysis of the collapse of the Soviet Union I would recommend Capitalist Restoration of the USSR by Martin Nicholaus

If I were to sum it up in a short post such as this medium (which I feel is not good as it loses nuance) I would point to:

  • Allowing Krushchev (an ex trotskyite who recanted his views who should’ve been shot) into power who first privatised the Tractor stations and denigrated Marxism-Leninism in his “Secret speech” (Which was mysteriously released to the West lol) where he rehashed Trotskyite lies (like having Kirov killed/the moscow trials were frame ups etc.)

  • Kruschevs Secret Speech was leaked to the West rather than released out in the open of Soviet Society. Allowing for a poison to enter the Communist Party which could not be tackled head on but released to certain strata of the Communist Party (regional leaders) as well as rumour returning from the West where it had been leaked and could be fought honestly in public. As Furr pointed out every single allegation against Stalin in that speech was false

  • Kruschev releasing numerous counter revolutionaries under a “thaw”

  • One of his policies was “peaceful coexistence” with capitalism compared to Marxist-Leninist understanding that it is a ruthless fight to the death

  • The other major one was the “Party of the entire people” (if the party represents the entire people and not the vanguard why do we even need a party?)

*These revisionist policies resulted in the overthrow of Socialism by 1965 with the Kosygin reforms which allowed the hiring and firing of workers, the rise of a managerial strata embued with petit bourgeois views and the restoration of the profit motive in Soviet enterprises.

The stagnation in the 70s then 80s were the direct result of those policies implemented first by Kruschev then the rest of his clique of revisionists

So in short, ensure to be more thorough in purging Trotskyites

1 point

“For a serious analysis of the collapse of the Soviet Union, see this article blaming it all on ‘trotskyites,’ we should have shot more of them.”

Good faith, indeed.




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