Hard mode, don’t mention cars.
grew up in suburb. not diverse enough. not enough “melting pots” where people just fuck around in the same area. everyone is so temporarily in public spaces and always retreating to their little home, it’s nearly impossible to build community. where i grew up it was impossible to live without a car; the nearest business to my house was 2 miles away walking on a dirt shoulder of a 55mph road. suburbs breed conservative thought and are constantly afraid of crime/others. the only perks of suburban living were cosplaying as rural living - exploring abandoned things, getting away from crowds, views of the night sky, minor conveniences like that.
Like I think we can agree suburbs are the worst out of the 3 but rural living is just as bad, homeschooling, religious fundamentalism, property ownership, destroying nature to make money, the whole idea of go to the country and farm has done irreparable damage to the ecology of where I grew up. Urban areas could produce just as much food if not more than rural farms ever could. Rural people are the biggest reactionaries and liberals on the planet, they should be relocated to the city.