He was a little too young for Epstein. He was still just a college student when Epstein got busted the first time, but I’m sure he has his own secret network to supply victims for his sick fantasies.
CORRECTION: He was out of college and had just started Facebook when Epstein was accused the first time.
But he become a billionaire in 2007. Epstein was arrested 12 years later.
He was busted before that: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/08/jeffrey-epstein-sex-abuse-allegations-started-2005-explained
But he was seeing girls outside of jail wherever he wanted nearby during his “jail sentence”. I don’t remember the details but I think he had to come in his cell in the morning for a while (a few hours?) and then he spent the entire day outside and came back at night.
And his joke of a sentence was only a few months. After he got out - I think it’s safe to assume that he did exactly the same evil shit he did before.