ohh wow, i saw this video earlier about myths regarding the Soviet union and was considering making a post about it. They look to be the same guys that made the excellent World War I and II content on youtube but I’m having doubts if they really are and are just stealing their style.
Isnt it obvious to you that the video is utter garbage when ,while making a video about “Top Myths about the USSR”, of all the dozens of mainstream negative myths and misunderstandings in the west this video choses stuff like “The Myth of the USSR not having corruption” and “The myth of the USSR being a workers paradise”…Stuff that not even 0.01% of the population believes about the USSR…Things that NOT EVEN MARXIST LENNINISTS THEMSELVES BELIEVE
Chosing two utopianly postive misconseptions ,that literally no one in the west holds, to debunk for your “top 5 myths about the USSR” video makes this worse than even r/unpopularopinions posts abou communism and anyone in the left that actualy watches this vid thinking its anything other than shitty red scare propaganda should consider reading more stuff from the dude this post we are in is about and not be guillable
They even have “people hated the ussr” as a myth but they give it only 1 minute and their only take on it is “Polls show that they didnt but thats only because of they grew up under commie propaganda and brainwashing”
Absolutely prager U teir video
no its from “Kings and Generals” … , but kings and generals is pretty good …
EDIT: find the video on the UDSSR pretty garbage , sorry … selektivly choosen…