Green is Boric (the only good leftist here), Yellow is a centrist, and Blue and Pink are far-right essentially. Seriously can anyone explain why parisi is so popular this is devastating, he hasnt even stepped foot on Chile.
Question: is Boric being depicted by the media over there as an evil bloodthirsty communist aspiring dictator?
Eeeeeexactly. Kast is the candidate of “Freedom”. But there is of course also a liberal/leftist media which doesnt do that but that is the minority and the right-wing/far-right still sets the narrative and conversation all around. For example after the Nicaraguan election(which were not really democratic) a declaration from some communists came out supporting ortega basically and that was then a major point in the debates and media up until the election. Also Polls (which were pretty accurate we have to admit now) found that people on average rate Boric almost as far-left as Artes (who is a literal revolutionary communist/maoist who openly supports North Korea and got 1,5%)
So in other words, his throwing Nicaragua and Venezuela under the bus was about as effective from a “not being smeared as an evil communist caricature by the opposition” perspective as the Biden campaign?
the Nicaraguan election(which were not really democratic)
Come on, man.
Come on do you seriously believe the outcome of the Nicaraguan election was not already predetermined? Just the sheer amount of possible candidates that were arrested/detained, like come on. You can still think ortega is still “the best” choice out of the candidates and massively preferable to the US ravaging nicaragua (which i do, even though theres a lot i dont like about modern day ortega)
We laugh now today about “Chilezuela” but the truth (sadly) is, it worked (very, very well in fact)