Title says it all. Inspired by this shirt I saw online just now. Also, anywhere know where I can snag this drip?
So I guess this is 1/2 serious post, 1/2 shit post.
most people in the military just do regular jobs
before like 2018 most american kids didn’t get exposed to left ideas at virtually any point in their lives
anti troop memes are funny and i laugh at them but you’re gonna have to allow for people who have learned shit at some point after they signed away their lives to the military to get out of whatever shitty situation they were in, we are the most propagandized people on the planet and that shit does work on young brains very well
Yeah I don’t disagree with any of that, you should be skeptical of people with suspect pasts (except for feds, people with fed law enforcement pasts should never be trusted) but I read the comment as disparaging any attempt to rehabilitate former imperialist military vets. The only people I’ve had lengthy protest encounters with from my “local” DSA are former military who while surely more succdem than cool I had no trouble trusting as genuine.