After a long day, I like coming home and playing video games while listening to funny leftist podcasts that don’t really take themselves too seriously. So basically the opposite of revleft radio, citations needed, cushvlogs, etc, as these are usually pretty serious and dense (with info) and require me to devote brain power.
I don’t really know that many podcasts so the only ones that I can really think of that go with what I’m talking about are like pod damn america and (sometimes) true anon. I think CTH and cumtown would also work but I’ve never really given them a chance because I’m not interested in listening to libs.
My list of “I would like to laugh at the horror instead of cry right now” left podcasts are: beep beep lettuce, trashfuture (not always), trillbillies, boonta vista, bigsofttitty.png, masters of our domain, and, of course, your kickstarter sucks.
Tom and Demi speaking at length about how crabs would rob a bank is EXACTLY the kind of thing I throw on to unwind. This is not sarcasm.