“The People’s Republic of China is waging a brutal campaign of repression against the Uyghur people and other minorities with mass incarceration, torture and forced labor,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said during a news conference Wednesday before the vote. “With these bills, the House is combating this horrific situation and shining a light on Beijing’s abuse.”
Nevermind the US slave labor codified in our constitution, concentration camps for brown people, including babies and children, and (illegal) assassination of a foreign diplomat.
is it just me or has the cold war against China been heating up this past year
not just you, but we all saw the writing on the wall
all the :zenz: shit has just been manufacturing consent for this, which itself is kabuki theater
Imagine if Enes Freedom becomes responsible for an all-out war between China and the U.S. lmao
I may be overly optimistic, but I think that 95% of the Enes engagement that isn’t just shitting on his terrible takes is astroturfed.
This ain’t 1950, there’s interior apathy toward death squads and brutal subjugation of land defenders and other disruptive protests in the imperial core but there’s no red scare appetite to generate mccarthyism 2.0. :porky-happy: kinda dug their own grave there with the end/dustbin of history shit, no one here born after 1980 takes red scare shit serious. They can drown out dissent but there’s some shit that’s so brazen (like this xinjiang nonsense) where you have to actively silence dissent or you can’t effectively sell the narrative (like they did with Mao/Stalin).
Like no (rad)lib’s going to accuse you of genocide denial when you point out that the east turkmenistan islamic movement was on the terror list until magically it wasn’t, or that there isn’t a single non-american puppet regime in the islamic world that is agitating about this. They eat that anti-iraq/afghan-war and idpol shit up and you can paint em into a corner with it.
On the other hand I’ve got a radlib friend I met in the streets last summer who randomly spouted off a xinjiang quip to me about a month ago, so maybe I’m just out of touch.
Honestly a conflict like that could be the best opportunity for a true socialist revolution to break out in America
I just hope it doesn’t turn really sour before China opens its borders again so I can move there. Xi pls
If you’re in American, honestly it’s already too late. Unless you have another passport and an exit plan, you’re stuck here with the rest of us.