Don’t get too pessimistic with this one, everyone. The sixties certainly weren’t lacking in issues, and even if we haven’t totally solved humanity’s problems, we’re far better off than we were then. Things will get better, if it takes ten years or a hundred. Don’t lose that hope.
If you were born in 1900 and lived to be 70 years old you would be around to see:
-Human terrestrial flight
-Communism become a world dominating force
-The average life expectancy double
-Human space flight
-Nuclear power
-The end of monarchy
-Man landing on the Moon
-The green revolution
-and much, much more
Now let’s compare that to being born in 1970 and living till now:
-The internet (a thing that is only a net negative)
-Death of communism
That’s about it. We are stagnant
What the fuck are you talking about plenty of amazing advancements have happened the last 50 years.
Here’s just some for each decade
80’s: artificial hearts, the space shuttle, the start of GPS (not available to the public much until 2000s tho)
90’s: DVDs, the internet (which despite what you think has been an amazing tool in connecting people all around the globe and allowing us to explore history and culture far better than ever before), Human Genome Project, in vitro fertilization becomes readily accessible.
2000’s: Great advancements in our understanding of the age of the universe, the Mars Exploration Rover first lands, the bio-artificial liver.
2010’s: 3D printing, a surge of open source technology, New Horizons the first spacecraft to reach Pluto, the discovery of the (admittedly already known but not yet found) Higgs boson particle.
What!? More stuff happened in 70 years than in 50 years!?
Summing the entire computing revolution - from making central planning finally possible, to being able to solve previously intractable planning problems, to the early internet, to global access to a huge variety of information - as “internet (a thing that is only a net negative” - makes the last 50 years sound like nothing happened in technology?
Focusing on the doomed Soviet Union and ignoring the still thriving communist China makes it look like communism is dead?
No shit.
Go outside and have a picnic you absurd doomer.
It’s just kind of hard to feel good about china’s progress when all the western countries are still in the grip of neoliberalism and trending towards conservative nationalism/fascism.
ignoring the still thriving communist China
I don’t live there and they aint coming here so why should I?