What the fuck are you talking about plenty of amazing advancements have happened the last 50 years.
Here’s just some for each decade
80’s: artificial hearts, the space shuttle, the start of GPS (not available to the public much until 2000s tho)
90’s: DVDs, the internet (which despite what you think has been an amazing tool in connecting people all around the globe and allowing us to explore history and culture far better than ever before), Human Genome Project, in vitro fertilization becomes readily accessible.
2000’s: Great advancements in our understanding of the age of the universe, the Mars Exploration Rover first lands, the bio-artificial liver.
2010’s: 3D printing, a surge of open source technology, New Horizons the first spacecraft to reach Pluto, the discovery of the (admittedly already known but not yet found) Higgs boson particle.