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16 points

Really hope this brings more ppl into the fitness com. Getting fit and lifting is one of the biggest things that helped to boost my self esteem and make me not hate myself. Only thing that gives me a bigger high is seeing other comrades experiencing the same.

Also for the love of God start light and practice the shit out of your form. Like the first month or more just getting that form set into your muscle memory. Look into your body style and deadlift form for it. Longer legs vs longer torso make a huuuuge difference. Some people simply do not have the ability to do deep squats or need to have a much wider knee/hip stance to squat properly. I myself can’t do deep squats and need said wider, open hips/knees to squat. Just how I’m built. Also some degen. erative disk disease doesn’t help either.

Proper form is not only the difference between a major injury but also allows you to get the full benefit of the lift.

2 points
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  1. Absolutely no fat-shaming, skinny-shaming, or shape-shaming.
  2. Be positive about people’s bodies but don’t be fetishistic.
  3. Don’t shame or disparage people for their fitness level.
  4. Do not offer unsolicited criticism.
  5. If you post a selfie, make special care that identifying marks are removed.
  6. No doomposting about your body.


A fascist worked out today, did you?

“I’m an ardent believer in equality, and being in the Communist Party is a way to spread this form of socialism and freedom for all the people”-Jeff Monson

“Every worker sportsman must be a soldier of the revolution”-Spartakiad


Beginner’s Health and Fitness Guide:

Databases for lifts/muscles:


Becoming A Supple Leopard

Yoga poses for athletes

The R*ddit Wiki:


TDEE Calculator:

Please be aware that this calculator will ask if you’re male or female

TDEE calculator

Other cool shit:

How to make your own foam roller

Athletes guide to foam rolling

Beginner Triathlete

Couch to 5k

Enter the kettlebell

WIP Schedule

Friday: Weekly check-in. Discuss what went right and wrong in terms of goals from last week

Saturday: Declaration of goals+community focus. What tangible, numerical goals are you going for? Don’t know? We have ideas!

Sunday: Gals and enby pals take center stage

Monday: Meme Monday

Tuesday: Toot Your Horn Tuesday. Brag about what you’ve done, how good your progress is, who’s making googly eyes at you, etc.

Wednesday: Wing Chun Wednesday. All about martial arts

Thursday: Nutrition. What’s been bothering you about nutrition? Maybe we get some comrades from c/food to see if we can’t get you where you’re trying to go.

If you don’t see the megathread just make the megathread. AMAB and our posts are just like your posts.

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