Child soldiers? Live and die for the empire, they’re doing their part :im-doing-my-part:
Needless violence for the sake of violence? Hell yeah brother that’s the good shit :le-pol-face:
it doesn’t work. Anyone with fascist potential will look at whatever “Genocide Bad Guy The Metaphor Is Literally Spelled Out For You Armada” and think they’re fucking sick. You’re giving the fascists material.
IMO, if you really want to satirize fascism, hit them where it hurts: they are fucking incompetent buffoons who act like they’re god’s chosen race because they have no positive qualities besides the promised intrinsic ones.
I’m pretty certain at this point that if most of Hexbear did head the revolution that Soviet Realism would actually be the only allowed art style.
Name a piece of popular genre fiction that isn’t Star Trek and couldn’t be taken as fascist
i mean you can try to satirize fascist brutality, not stopping you, but they generally use it as their own agitprop lol. i’m a fan of starship troopers, i wrote this while mad at chuds who like it
Along with symbols/master race names from India and a bunch of Norse shit and the OK sign. Fash does that. It’s part of their game