I don’t think they will ever overturn Roe v. Wade. It is too good of a scaremongering fundraiser bogeyman for them. They want it around so they can run against it.
Overturning it would be even better for their elections. It would mean that abortion would now be on a state-by-state basis, giving them a clear thing to run on in every state election. It would be useful federally too, since it opens the hypothetical (if unlikely) possibility of a nationwide ban.
Maybe I’m misinformed but it seems like the republicans have been taking serious steps the past year or so to force another supreme court case that could allow for an overturning. If they weren’t serious about overturning it why would they be actively working towards a situation where the court has to either uphold or overturn it? Like having it around could be politically valuable but if it comes up to the supreme court and they uphold it it would be extremely bad PR