It’s really just a progression of finding out how fucking evil the ruling class is right? Like learning how many people the US government has fucking murdered for bananas and shit really pushed me from rad lib soc dem to ML. Or is there more to it than that? Because if it is that simple we need a good way to agitate that better that doesn’t require a fuck ton of extracurricular reading.
I think it’s about losing actual faith in liberal institutions.
Liberals think they’re good people but still believe in the Democrats, the Police, intelligence agencies, etc.
They might disagree with them on some things but still assume they can be saved rather than ripped out like the societal rot they are.
“See Afghanistan was bad, but we brought them feminism and LGBT rights. We could have done Imperialism in a good way.”
In my case it was sickos like all of you and, ironically, the ghouls on fox news, pointing out how much awful trump shit was just obama era policy holdovers.
It was like “damn how far back does this go? Oh no, no no no oh geez”