He was there an hour early for dinner and when they told him to come back later, he reached for an already prepared brown bag of food so they shot him.
They said the “volunteers are encouraged to protect the property” as they have no formal security.
Update: “there was no altercation per se, just a lot of arguing” and they murdered him for it
They shot him because he didn’t want to follow arbitrary rules.
Have you ever lived in the America south? Being shot, shouted out, or scorned for disobeying arbitrary rules is a common experience. The south will be the last place on fucking earth where cashiers will be allowed to sit down while working.
i went to germany for the first time when i was in my mid 20s and i remember i was like blown the fuck away by a cashier sitting at the first grocery store i went. It never occurred to me that they could do that lol
Looks like the AG is still going to charge the murderer, but I would be absolutely amazed if he gets time. It’s the south, the victim was homeless and therefore scary, and he reached over a counter, which obviously is a direct attack on the life and livelihood of the volunteer. /s