Please don’t read comments until you’ve read this. It is very short and fast to read. It is radicalizing. It is a good short story to send to your friend who needs to understand what capitalism is. LeGuin wrote this in 1973, cementing her status as Chad Supreme of Fuck Mountain. Bow before her might.
Let’s discuss in the comments below.
My favourite bit I think is where we’re told that the inhabitants are shown the child in the basement, and some even return when they’re older to revisit it. They know it’s there and they’re aware that their society and their comfort depends on the child’s suffering but most push it to the back of their minds.
I’ll be honest this reminds me of when you’re talking to someone and they acknowledge that yes, capitalism is pretty horrific but there’s this wall that they can’t quite get over. They usually mutter some platitude about ‘the least worst system’ and go on.
The end bit is the reason why I think. The residents of Omelas are fundamentally scared of change and they have no idea if something better is possible so they don’t really want to try.