a 2,000 year old document which preaches mutual aid, caring for the poor, and judgment of those who persecute christians
A 2,000 year old document which preached personal responsibility, denounced hypocrisy, and predicted a powerful authoritarian will set things right at some point long after you’re dead.
The Second Coming is just a Theocrat’s spin on Here’s How Bernie Can Still Win.
personal responsibility
no, that’s not a thing in the ancient world
denounced hypocrisy
of the religious upper classes yes, turns out its bad to be against healings on the sabbath and for taking the poor’s money to build beautiful temples
predicted a powerful authoritarian will set things right at some point long after you’re dead
yes that justice will be served eventually, but in the meantime care for the poor, sell your belongings to feed the hungry, and do righteousness. this is not unique to christianity
i am begging you to read liberation theology or any work that isn’t american evangelicalism bullshit
no, that’s not a thing in the ancient world
That’s explicitly the call-out in these scriptures. Its your job to be charitable. Its your job not to be a hypocrite. If you want to stand at my Right Hand, it is your job to prove yourself worthy.
of the religious upper classes yes
These scriptures explicitly call out the servant class.
yes that justice will be served eventually, but in the meantime
In the meantime, you should do these things or you will be punished eventually.
i am begging you to read liberation theology or any work that isn’t american evangelicalism bullshit
It might as well be a different religion. Liberation Theology works as hard to scrap out all the right-wing crap from scripture as the Prosperity Gospel does to scrape out the left-wing bits.
But the core document - even if you just whittle it down to the Gospels - is still extremely :LIB:
It is, at its heart, about doing good in This Life so that you’ll get a better deal in The Next Life. The Jesus of the Scriptures is not a Revolutionary.
That’s explicitly the call-out in these scriptures. Its your job to be charitable. Its your job not to be a hypocrite. If you want to stand at my Right Hand, it is your job to prove yourself worthy
you are reading these texts as a 21st century westerner. this is not how an ancient person would understand these texts. many of these texts are actually giving agency to those who have none and are demanding justice for those who abuse their power. if you would like some recommendation on social relationships in the ancient Mediterranean, i am happy to provide those for you
It might as well be a different religion. Liberation Theology works as hard to scrap out all the right-wing crap from scripture as the Prosperity Gospel does to scrape out the left-wing bits
liberation theology is a recovery of how to read the bible from below, which is how the gospels were originally written and how the early christians understood the text. most early christians were poor, many were homeless, many were enslaved. very few had apartments and those that did hosted churches that fed people and encouraged them to do good in their lives.
It is, at its heart, about doing good in This Life so that you’ll get a better deal in The Next Life. The Jesus of the Scriptures is not a Revolutionary.
if that was jesus’ message, he wouldn’t have been murdered. christianity is not bound by your experience of american evangelicalism. if you are interested, i am happy to provide you with resources.