Maybe ten years or so from now - Elon or Bezos or some other billionaire ghoul will run for president and win. It won’t even matter which party. If he runs as a democrat - he’ll have to lie more. Once he’s in power he’ll say something like…
“North Korea is a danger to the United States of America and it’s trying to develop ICBMs that could reach as far as Washington DC. I’m a majority shareholder of EvilCorp. Its NanoMilitary tech is decades ahead of the world. Consider this thought exercise. We flood military sites and other vital assets with our patented OmniBots which of course is short for OmnivorousBots. The nanobots only target homo sapiens. Other life forms are unaffected.”
"Within 48 hours North Korean fighting capability is decreased by 95%. I and my team have looked and we fail to see any flaw. Everything is in place and ready. Victory is achievable without any American causalities. Perhaps it’s time. The nuclear threats are neutralized and then other highly classified EvilCorp tech is used. I cannot elaborate on SubjugationTech but it can force any population to comply with alacrity. We permanently solve the persistent and vexing problem of North Korea that has lasted so many long decades.
In the following week the basic pundit consensus is that if North Korea does not immediately halt it’s nuclear programs - President Billionaire Ghoul is justified in solving this problem. And solving it for good. Thomas Friedman says EvilCorp military tech is the most human tech in all of human history. Later it is revealed that Friedman owns 13.9 million dollars worth of EvilCorp stock. Friedman is not fired. Instead he resigns and a few months later he as a new column at the WSJ.