My girlfriend works for a company as an in-home behavioral technician, teaching non verbal autistic children communication skills and stuff. She has two different clients that she services, in theory she’s supposed to have a sessions with each client every day. Monday-Friday. Each sessions is 3 hours ish. In reality though, the client families cancel sessions pretty often, either for a sick kid or something else. If they cancel a session with at least 24 hour notice, my gf does not get paid for those sessions. If they cancel with less than 24 hour notice, she still gets paid but only at a rate or $10 per hour as opposed to her regular 17.50. There have been times where she was walking up to a clients door and gotten a text to cancel the session. If the child falls asleep or has to stop the sessions for any reason, my gf doesn’t get paid for the rest of the session. Her sessions are split; one client in the morning from 9 to 12 and another in the ending from 4 to 6. Hard to schedule stuff when it’s split, she doesn’t get paid for the time in between clients, and all the cancelations. Every person she tells is shocked. I am frankly blown away because this just doesn’t seem legal? Getting jerked around like this? She really wants to leave because she barely makes money but that just sets the kids back because they need consistency. The company counts on people like my partner to put up with if for the kids I guess. It’s fucked up. Is this how these are supposed to work? Anyone else do a job like this?
is she paid directly by the clients/how are the parents billed? I can understand the seemingly random cancellations bc neurodivergent children are not predictable and it would be awful to pay full rate for something out of your control as a parent. Seems like a company issue, and since it’s prolly gig work it is near impossible to pressure the company with collective action.
seems like a wack situation :(