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Honestly seeing shit like Nikocado along with antivaxx and the weirdass tw: mental illness
eating disorder death cult forums/spaces
makes me redfash vuvuzela more and more
like why the fuck does anyone need to watch some guy basically kill himself with food, this isn’t good for people lol, even moron Nazis could probably agree with that but so many people are wedded to the idea of freeze peach when so many of the things we see proliferating on social media are clearly causing harm both to the individuals that perpetuate that content and those who consume it
The problem then becomes: How do we make sure our evil communist dictatorship (this is a joke) doesn’t just censor shit out of personal dislike? How would we determine what content is suitable for consumption without steering into some dangerously stifling censorship or leading the way into some weirdly curated “revisionism” of reality as it is?
like why the fuck does anyone need to watch some guy basically kill himself with food, this isn’t good for people lol
because the vast majority of people watching the guy go at it are a bunch of guilt-ridden reactionaries/PMC libs who take great pleasure in indulging in their most “Self destructive” desires vicariously through Nikocado. Its great for them too because they have built a kiwifarms-style moral panic campaign to then exorcise themselves via casting their vitriolic protestant disdain towards Nikocado. He is now their mammon, an idol of sin to be torn down and burned, his deteriorating physical and mental health proof that the universe ultimately punishes evil and therefore makes sense to their small minds. Above all else, he is a public figure that they can feel morally superior to, despite their hidden guilt.