I have no idea what to make for lunch to go, growing up I had a sandwich every day at school. I don’t want to buy as much fast food as I usually do.
Anyone have anything good? I already have a go-to breakfast, and dinner is fine because I can figure something out on the spot based on what looked good in the store that week.
Lunch is hard because I have to plan it, and I don’t want to pack too little and something that isn’t filling. Ideally want something that can be eaten cold.
I’m awful at cooking so I’m not the one to ask. You should check the sub(s) for making Japanese food.
An aside: in Shinjuku I went to a street fair once with my girlfriend. She said “Have you had dongo?” I said no. And she excitedly said “Let’s get some!” Ah, memories. The dango were - of course - the kind on a skewer that you see in anime and manga. I had been in Japan about a year but right then I really felt like I was in Japan.