Like I know it’s super fucked up to surreptitiously dose an unwitting mark, but wouldn’t forcing a breakthrough experience on chuds help lead them out of darkness?
Here’s a video of when the UK government did a field test of army members on LSD. They basically dropped their arms, stopped taking orders, and just wanted to play.
i’m pretty sure a super soaker tube filled with liquid LSD would be tens of thousands of dollars worth, and very difficult to produce. am i wrong?
Street price, yes. But manufacturing-wise it’s micropennies on the dollar. There’s a reason the Feds blew up all clandestine operations.
(Heh, I almost wrote micropenis)
also it’s not halal to drug people against their will. kinda rapey. chuds included.
Everyone around these parts keeps telling me to buy a gun. I’d rather fuckin dose someone than kill them. Also, if they keep shooting up schools, concert halls, stadiums, mosques, county fairs, and churches in the name of martyrdom, and civil war erupts, at what point do we fight back? Or should I just vote?