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No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to work any job, full stop. Additionally, over the age of 13 all minors should receive a living stipend which goes directly to an account only they control that their parents have no access to.

Edit: To be clear, I am specifically including children working for their parents business, like restaurants and shops. I see that shit all the time, usually either paying their kids next to nothing or nothing at all.

15 points

They need people to work asap though. If people didn’t have their first job until 18 or 19, they’d realize how much better it is to not have a job. Imagine living the first 25 years of your life without a job but being taken care of and then suddenly having to work a min wage job. Nobody would do it. They’d do everything they could to not do it. So you get them young and convince them that work is a normal part of life that makes you a better person. It teaches you responsibility and lets you be independent. Then by the time they have some perspective on life it’s too late, they’re used to it. They’re more willing to view it as a normal part of life that must be tolerated.

The other component of this is making sure families are so desperate that their kids have to work from a young age.

14 points
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6 points

No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to work any job, full stop.

Inarticulate AnCap Screeching


No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to work any job, full stop.

IMO an exception could probably be made for worker co-ops if they guaranteed a full say and ownership like anyone else.

…and I include schooling in that. Education is a job, whether you’re (more) on the giving side or the receiving side. Students should be paid for their labor in increasing the educational level of themselves, their fellow classmates, and society in general. They should also have a say in the democratic running of the educational enterprise. (Also teaching is one of the best ways of furthering your own education and skills…)
