As in, what was the thing to justify increased surveillance, erode civil liberties, and do imperialist shit?
Oklahoma City Bombing in the early 90’s, militant animal rights/environmental activists, Communists, War on Against Some Drugs ,
Interesting, the Oklahoma City attack didn’t lead to widespread terror on nazi ideology, it was all (let’s have some nuance and not do anything too hasty…) but now we justify a genocide if a Muslim does so much as takes a particularly foul smelling dump in a public restroom.
Its kind of a foundational moment in the “black helicopter crowd” movement though.
Pretty sure the prototype to the PATRIOT Act was drafted after this but never fully implimented which means the alphabet soup gang were already gearing up pilot projects and running field trials on mass surveillance programs.
It didn’t and couldn’t spawn anti-Christian backlash like 9/11 because the USA is a majority Christian country and it wouldn’t make any sense to try to push that narrative that “Christianity” is directly responsible for the attack. Easier to do when you might have spent your entire young life never knowingly being around a follower of Muslim faith.