Here is a list of resources to learn about sex worker from actual sex workers who are engaged in the struggle for worker’s rights:
- https://www.nswp.org/resources/types/nswp-briefing-papers-248
- https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/white-mans-burden-revisited/
- https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/from-brothel-to-sweatshop-questions-on-labour-trafficking-in-camb/
- https://titsandsass.com/the-massage-parlor-means-survival-here-red-canary-song-on-robert-kraft/
- https://medium.com/purplerose0666/the-af3irm-agenda-b5ec31216904
- https://medium.com/@katezenjoy/dear-esperanza-5aa7db4d501a
- https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/decriminalising-sex-work-in-new-zealand-its-history-and-impact/
- https://www.mayamorena.com/anti-equality-model-campaign/2021/5/22/pscegcnr680fh4oazlmwe8i5527o9j
Bigger repo of theory / resources:
Books to check out:
Ok fair, definitely do not mean it in that way. Just trying to convey that in a utopic society that we’re aiming for I don’t think it’s ridiculous to try and set up a society in which all needs, including sexual fulfillment, can be catered to. Not trying to force anybody into sex work or something like that.
Of course! In the utopic society it is best that everyone has sex, enjoyment, etc… What I take issue is the suggestion that people should be coerced into giving said sex, enjoyment…
Yes, I’m not saying people should be coerced. But I do think that a world where sex work as a public service or good, and something that brings prestige and increased social standing, isn’t something out of the question or “bad” in any sense. I don’t think doing something partially because of increased social standing is coercion, since that’ll always happen. Some members of a community will always be looked up to, and will do things because they want to be looked up to. Tying that to sex work certainly wouldn’t be the worst.