Here is a list of resources to learn about sex worker from actual sex workers who are engaged in the struggle for worker’s rights:
- https://www.nswp.org/resources/types/nswp-briefing-papers-248
- https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/white-mans-burden-revisited/
- https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/from-brothel-to-sweatshop-questions-on-labour-trafficking-in-camb/
- https://titsandsass.com/the-massage-parlor-means-survival-here-red-canary-song-on-robert-kraft/
- https://medium.com/purplerose0666/the-af3irm-agenda-b5ec31216904
- https://medium.com/@katezenjoy/dear-esperanza-5aa7db4d501a
- https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/decriminalising-sex-work-in-new-zealand-its-history-and-impact/
- https://www.mayamorena.com/anti-equality-model-campaign/2021/5/22/pscegcnr680fh4oazlmwe8i5527o9j
Bigger repo of theory / resources:
Books to check out:
Fucking thank you for this.
Edit: My only suggestion would be to rephrase your example of people with disabilities as it could be taken as ableist.
:sankara-salute: Quite a struggle session you’ve constructed here, comrade. Seems like there’s still a fair bit of Puritanical brainworms around sex on this forum!
I told @Nakoichi this would trigger some reactionaries. Didn’t anticipate it would have this much of an impact.
It’s been a while since we had a struggle session of this magnitude tbh, so it was time. Surprised at the views that are getting upvoted a lot in this thread though.