I’ve seen them get called a psyop by MLs, and my interest is piqued. I know Epoch Times is very right wing, but what else is there?
This is about my understanding as well, except that in addition to the virulent homophobia of Scientology, they have the virulent homophobia of Scientology plus an equal amount of outrageous unhinged racism.
I mean, I’m sure scientology is racist in practice, because why not, but I mean doctrinally.
Scientology except plus an equal amount of outrageous unhinged racism.
Falun Gong is anti race-mixing, but unlike L Ron, Li Hongzhi has never said anything explicitly racist towards so-called “pure” races (although if we follow his statements to their logical conclusion, it’s clear that he’s implicitly racist towards mixed race people). Not defending FG, just stressing how stupid scientology is.