stand by: this is being made all official like.
Being told this is fairly reliable for info on the situation in Ukraine. let me know if it isn’t.
From all the awful war takes everywhere, the worst one has to be “crazy evil putin” wanting to take the Baltic states or Stans next. Imagine how fucking stupid someone has to be to just ignore the hundreds of years of shared history between Ukraine and Russia, and also the obvious geopolitical angle with NATO. No Putin isn’t crazier than Bush or Obama and he won’t take anything more because Ukraine has a special status. I don’t understand why westernoid brains has to always go full manichaeism mode with the good guys and the bad guys idea, just say that you disagree with Putin and that you can’t find Ukraine on a map
Not saying we should take Putin at his word but the stated objective at present isn’t to annex Ukraine but to de-nazify it (and conveniently cripple its military before it can join the Nazi Atlantic Terrorist Organisation)
I mean let’s all agree that Putin is a imperialist liar. It still doesn’t make him an evil for the sake evil mentally unstable megalomaniac. It makes him a national leader that is strategically shaping the world in his vision and being successful at it. The people behind the Iraq War weren’t mentally unstable too, they executed their plan of destroying and robbing the country and enriching their corporate allies in a perfect manner