Per CNN and Streams
yeah, that’s definitely what they want to do but you’re forgetting that cops are chuds at heart and itching to bash protestor skulls in and fill them full of lead. at some point, they’re going to slip and massacre people because they can’t control literally all of their roided out goons forever and that first time, it will be like the person who slipped gave permission to all the other cops to also unload. they’ll re-exert control quickly but it will be too late at that point and the public backlash will be immense.
cops are chuds at heart and itching to bash protestor skulls in and fill them full of lead
They want to do this, but they want to do it in an environment with no danger. It’s super easy to get people ramped up to fight – it’s way harder to get people (even chuds) ramped up to potentially get grievously injured or die.
They don’t want to start a war, because they’re outnumbered and however roided out they are they know that wars lead to people shooting back. There are enough Iraq and Afghanistan veterans among them for cops to know how terrifying it is to be an occupying force in a city where some of the populace is out to kill you. They didn’t sign up for that; they signed up to have an ultimately cushy job where they get to beat on a lone 19-year-old with a few of their buddies. They don’t want a real fight, they want to be in control.
well yeah but you’re assuming most of the cops / national guard are smart enough to think this through. I’m saying that they’re rolling the dice every time they deploy force and it’s a matter of time before they lose the roll and fuck up.