… what’s up with the pork fat?
Edit: was unaware Chechnya is a Muslim region. Y’all the real MVPs.
Chechnya is a Muslim region. Putin sent them into Ukraine. Azov greased their bullets because they think that’ll curse Muslims to hell as if getting shot involuntarily is the same as ingesting pork voluntarily lol
It’s cut off from the pic, but the video was posted by an official and verified Ukrainian military page
Smearing pork products on Muslim stuff is a common Islamophobic attack. Gammons really think pork is some kind of Muslim kryptonite.
Aren’t Muslims permitted to commit certain “sins” if it saves the lives of others or yourselves?
Like if you were dying and only had pork you could eat it?
Nazis think that if you kill a Muslim with a pork fat bullet then they don’t go to paradise because Islam considers pigs unclean. As you’d expect from Nazis, it’s based on a gross oversimplification and misunderstanding of Islam, and it’s a trope that’s been around since at least the Iraq War.
But wouldn’t a Christian Nazi believe Muslims didn’t go to heaven, no matter what?
The idea could be that enemy morale is hurt if they think they can’t get into heaven