we’re accelerating.
yes, this is why europe, the paragon of good governance in the world, had to do so much colonialism in africa, india, asia, the americas…
you see, those hotblooded brown skins are just so irritable and angry, due to the hotter climate, that they cant govern themselves.
its not their fault, but the firm guiding hand of the euro is necessary for their embetterment.
It is just heat in general. It makes people less rational as it is harder to maintain an optimal body temperature. It has nothing to do with race.
A/C has helped a lot. There are studies that show that access to A/C is part of the reason for crime rates in the US dropping.
Then explain the golden age of Islam? They invented algebra and all sorts of smart shit.
They all lived near rivers and had nowhere near the amount of urbanization and heat island effects of today.
Temperature and human violence is well studied. It is one of the least talked about effects of climate change but it is very real.
https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=urban heat violence&btnG=Search&as_sdt=800000000001&as_sdtp=on