we’re accelerating.
They all lived near rivers and had nowhere near the amount of urbanization and heat island effects of today.
Temperature and human violence is well studied. It is one of the least talked about effects of climate change but it is very real.
https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=urban heat violence&btnG=Search&as_sdt=800000000001&as_sdtp=on
some of the most complex legalism in the world coming out of nomadic desert peoples, but you over there screeching about rivers.
just admit youre a racist already
Most of the population of the Middle East has never been nomadic.
What are you taking about?
dude. almost every empire to arise in the middle east had roots in nomadic peoples. do you even know who the seljuks were? the bedouin? do you just talk directly out of your ass, or do you use an intermediary to translate the sound of your dummy thicc claps?