we’re accelerating.
“because the nomads stopped being nomadic, the traditions they had as nomads are no longer relevant to any discussion of the impact nomadic peoples have had on society, even when they track one to one with their nonnomadic traditions”
you. are. a. moron.
Algebra was discovered only because the Islamic world had built half-a-dozen major universities. Centralization of knowledge to have a constant access to peers is hardly a nomadic tradition. People are not defined forever by their forebears.
oh, so now the brown skinned desert dwellers did a science, in spite of their living in a hot place? :shocked-pikachu:
also, hilarious because the seljuk empire wasnt founded for another several hundred years AFTER algebra was invented. wild how both nomadic and nonnomadic people existed in the same place and impacted a complex culture of science and legalism.
btfo racist lib
Why do you keep bringing race into this?
I never implied that all nomadic traditions were lost, but to call a people nomadic when most were living in large cities is ridiculous.