I like to follow China’s jet program.
true UAE cancelled F-35, but haven’t heard anything about UAE going for J-10. J-10 is not equivalent to F-35, different class. J-10c is 4.5gen, and F-35 is a stealth 5gen. China’s 5gen is the J-20, but like the US F-22, it’s not for export. China is working on a 5gen equivalent to F-35, which they are calling J-31/35(lol), but it’s still in development.
If UAE actually goes for a few J-10Cs , that would be a big accomplishment, since China has not been able to find buyers for their newest top line J-10C fighter Jets. They did sell a few of their FC-1/JF-17 (co production with Pakistan) to Nigeria and Myanmar. Just a few weeks ago Pakistan bought a few J-10Cs, which was big news in South Asia.
Argentina is interested in the JF-17 blk III, because any US/Western fighter jet will get blocked by GB because of the Falklands. Argentina is broke, so they can’t afford the more lethal J-10C.
Damn son , sorry this https://eurasiantimes.com/chinese-j-20-meets-us-f-35-stealth-fighter-jet-for-the-first-time/
and This https://eurasiantimes.com/uae-to-acquire-chinese-fighter-jets-after-terminating-23b-deal/
all flowed wierd together on this one … its L-15 trainers they buy also known as JL- 10
what is this Stupid military naming anyway , just call it Dragon… and Pavillion or something … ? the French Do it … “Rafale” i will always now … Rafale … oh thats the best looking plane…