Loki is pretty cool tho. Norse god of “wtf is gender lol I’ll be a horse”
I’m thinking low key about how much the kids gonna get bullied for having a marvel movie character’s name
I have a really “normal” name and got made fun of because it half rhymed with something kids found funny.
Kids are going to make fun of each other no matter what the name.
Þór, Óðinn, Baldur are common names in Iceland where you would expect people to be named after norse gods. Loki is not that common, 14 as a first name, 58 as a middle name.
Completely disregarding the neo-Nazi affiliation (“no really I’m just into Norse mythology and runes for no apparent reason!”) the name Loki now means a movie character.
Remember that poor Canadian kid who got ridiculed by the entire internet for his light saber video?