The upper number is the highest I could find, so it likely is a margin lower.
While :ukkk: newspapers title:
- Low turnout for India’s national two-day strike as 50 million join protests notes about repression of the strike are only afterthoughts:
The states of Kerala and West Bengal banned government employees from joining the strike, and Maharashtra invoked an emergency law banning the 80,000 workers in its power companies from striking.
The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) congratulates the working class for the successful 48-hour general strike held on March 28-29. Millions of workers responded to the call given by 10 Central Trade Unions and various sectoral federations.
Note: The 250 million number got removed from the original article I found it in.
The strike follows the 2020 general strike which might’ve been the largest in history till that moment
WSWS writes:(I don’t remember if the wsws was okay Yeah they aren’t:
Millions of Indian workers to join two-day general strike against Modi’s ruinous pro-investor policies
that says nothing about them being communists though, if anything after being inside the institutions for so long they might have deviated
just like pcdob - they managed to govern a state and are consistently getting to second round in elections throughout the country, even in important capitals like porto alegre, even winning some of them
they still govern like socdems (or worse, like the PT liberals, which is actually more often the case sadly)
while CPIM doesn’t have a particularly strong national presence it has an iron grip on Kerala and has had it since arguably the 1940s. It hasn’t ‘managed to govern’ it, CPIM IS Kerala. I don’t know how useful this conversation is because anything short of seceding from the Indian Republic by denouncing participation of its parliamentary democracy, CPIM has consistently fulfilled a deeply held state identity of communism.
I don’t know anything about PCdob but I can almost guarantee they haven’t accomplished shit compared to what CPIM has for decades in that state.
I don’t know anything about PCdob but I can almost guarantee they haven’t accomplished shit
if the CPIM has accomplished anything it’s already far more than PCdoB, which has done basically nothing beyond being electoralist slaves of the PT
i think you’re under the impression i was calling the CPIM socdems, the point of the comparison was just to say that calling yourself a commie isn’t enough
if like you say they’ve kept their ideology solid and their actions meet their words then that’s actually great
Going to have to rectify what you’re saying. CPI(M) split from CPI after the Sino-Soviet split in 1967. Kerala haven’t had uninterrupted CPI(M) rule. The won in the late 60s and 80s but it’s only recently that they have enjoyed uninterrupted success in Kerala. West Bengal(1977-2011) and Tripura(1978-2018) are the ones who won their state election uninterrupted.
The most radical factions from Congress Socialist Party that controlled Kerala split from the party and then they split again from the now effectively defunct CPI iirc. For all intents and purposes the most left wing faction of these parties have been in power for a long time.