During 2020, however, Sweden had ten times higher COVID-19 death rates compared with neighbouring Norway
In 2014, the Public Health Agency merged with the Institute for Infectious Disease Control; the first decision by its new head (Johan Carlson) was to dismiss and move the authority’s six professors to Karolinska Institute. With this setup, the authority lacked expertise and could **disregard scientific facts. **
The Swedish pandemic strategy seemed targeted towards “natural” herd-immunity and avoiding a societal shutdown. The Public Health Agency labelled advice from national scientists and international authorities as extreme positions, resulting in media and political bodies to accept their own policy instead. The Swedish people were kept in ignorance of basic facts such as the airborne SARS-CoV-2 transmission, that asymptomatic individuals can be contagious and that face masks protect both the carrier and others.
Appropriate (potentially life-saving) treatment was withheld without medical examination, and without informing the patient or his/her family or asking permission.
Literal social fascism, killing off the old and vulnerable by purposely misleading the population, and witholding medical care.
Deep down, when push comes to shove, it’s never been a metaphor. Another version of “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds”.
How did those Scandinavian countries get so “rich” again?
Some sell oil and other rare natural resources. Also covertly getting licenses for resource extraction overseas in a corrupt manner.
Also assisting the west in military matters with companies like SAAB.
Nations have a right to their own natural resources, that’s only natural. The imperialism of Scandinavian states does not come through its nationalized oil production, but from its multinational corporations which generate superprofits outside their nations through massive value extraction
Scandinavian nations have the highest international profits per capita on Earth. Meaning they are extracting more value from other nations through their corporations than anyone else (per capita).
They are most imperialist nations on Earth per capita.
Does this stat include all those tax heaven micronations? Because if it does it’s really surprising.
I don’t know much about Scandinavian countries, but I thought it was mostly neocolonialism?
Which is metaphorically fascism, because they’re both repugnant, and we want to assign neocolonialism the same moral value as fascism. But it’s not structurally fascism, in the way that colon cancer is not pancreatic cancer.