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There’s value in knowing there’s likeminded people out there… to just know that maybe you’re not insane when you feel detached from the insanity that seems so obvious to you, but for the most part goes unnoticed.
I wouldn’t be around on chapo if not for shitposting. And if not for chapo i’d probably not be as determined at reading, school, workout and just generally be in an ok mood most of the time in the face of climate disaster and all the other horrible shit that’s going on. What i learned here is that it’s ok to care, and sometimes it’s YOU who’s gotta dunk on the chuds and the hawks and the libs. And if nothing else, you can always retreat back to your comrades!
I have to wear a lot of different hats and remember to tailor my leftism to a lot of different audiences in my day to day life, so it’s a relief to be able to come here and vent or just look at pictures of dope ass anteaters.
Yeah, tailoring the message to your target audience is so fucking key. I used to be real prone to just blabbing about the evils of empire, CIA nastiness, just sounding like a crank as I rant for 5 minute monologue. Lately I’ve found it so much better to be subtle, just little morsels here and there instead of abrupt jostling tyriads.
I’ve actually been finding alot of common ground with my Trumper old man - he’s half decent at recognizing issues, it’s usually the rX that’s faulty. Like recently he was talking about how him & some of the fellas at work are talking about unionizing…made for all sorts of great conversation all the way to Marxist theory - which head on he’d never participate in, but roundabout he’s like “yeah hell yea.”
It’s cool