Trying to own a lib in debate against my better judgment and can’t find it.
I’m assuming you’re talking about this one:
Edit: Some people here are claiming this is from one of Zelenskyy’s TV series from before he became President. This is untrue because it was filmed in October 2019, after his inauguration.
This is a video showcasing his trip to Donbass and featuring the same clip from a different angle:
Also, the guy Zelenskyy is talking to is Denis Yantar, a member of the National Corps, which is a far-right militia founded by veterans of the Azov Battalion.
Damn that is not a good look how did this even get released
Edit: oh its old, thought it was current
Looks very not real to me. Is it not from the show where he plays the president?
It’s not. This was filmed in 2019 after he became President and went to Donbass to try and convince the nationalist militia there to cease hostilities.
There are Ukrainian videos on Youtube showing the video I linked from another angle, for example: