Interviewing Seattle botanist and mycologist Richard Guttierez, a legendary fungi breeder who jumpstarted Psilocybe cultivation in the US. Penis envy is a strain of P. cubensis which is morphologically very different from normal, looking like a penis, and stronger than average. It’s a bit trickier to grow than a beginner strain like B+ or golden teacher and dosing it is different, but one of the neatest projects in fungiculture. People take Psilocybe breeding in wild directions now because they know it could become penis envy.

Background on him begins about 10 minutes in, the interview is like 20 minutes in.

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<<<<<<< / c / g a r d e n i n g >>>>>>>

read braiding sweetgrass, lib

    _         ___
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Let it grow .

  .-/  \-. If I had a flower
 (  \__/  ) for each time 
/`-./;;\.-`\ I thought
\ _.\;;/._ /  
 (  /  \  ) of communism           
 ,    \\ (-. ) my garden 
 |\_   ||/.-`would be full  
 \'.\_ |;` 
  '--,\||     ,
      `;|   _/|              
       // _/.'/ 

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