Fungal sentences are slightly more complex than English, slightly less complex than Russian.
I believe that all these things are sentient and also factory farming is bad. How are those beliefs incompatible?
I never said they were. I never even brought up factory farming, I think all meat eating is wrong. All I was talking about was how people will justify eating meat because they say plants/fungi are sentient too, and I hate that asinine bullshit.
That doesn’t make any sense as am objection to veganism. Expanding the scope of harm means you’re allowed to do more harm???
I see your point and I think you’re picking up on a cognitive dissonance that they tone out. To them it’s more like “well every edible thing is sentient, so I don’t need an ethical framework to decide what to eat” it’s wrong as you point out but also a convenient worldview for someone to justify eating meat.